Friday, December 28, 2012

Review for Django Unchained

Review for Django Unchained
Movie review
From Time Out London
=>>>>In the past decade there were those who – perfectly reasonably – assumed that Quentin Tarantino’s hour had passed. Following the exhaustive movie-geek sprawl of the ‘Kill Bill’ movies, the crass, near-unwatchable indulgence of ‘Death Proof’ and the diverting but directionless {{‘Inglourious Basterds’}}, it seemed like the ultimate fanboy had slipped into a terminal, self-congratulatory decline.

Django Unchained
Django Unchained is an American western film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. The film stars Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington and Samuel L. Jackson. Wikipedia
Release date: December 25, 2012 (initial release)
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Running time: 180 minutes
Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino
Awards: National Board of Review Award for Best Supporting Actor
Jamie Foxx (Django)
Jamie Foxx
Leonardo DiCaprio (Calvin Candie)
Leonardo DiCaprio
Calvin Candie
Christoph Waltz (Dr. Schultz)
Christoph Waltz
Dr. Schultz
credit to

Well, somebody’s clearly rattled the man’s cage, because ‘Django Unchained’, for all its digressive, episodic and frequently ludicrous nature, is a blazing return to form. This is a meaty spaghetti western, heavy on the spicy sauce and ketchup and peppered with the sort of unforgettable touches only Tarantino could get away with.

Last time around, Tarantino gave the Nazi top brass what for. This time, the topic for irreverent dissection is American slavery. Jamie Foxx is Django, freed from a chain gang by German bounty hunter Schultz (Christoph Waltz), and on a mission to rescue his wife, Broomhilda (Kerry Washington). Only trouble is, Hildy is owned by moustache-twirling Mississippi slavemaster Calvin Candy (Leonardo DiCaprio), whose ugly reputation precedes him.
The first thing to notice is how ‘Django Unchained’ is packed with events. Tarantino’s love of pithy language hasn’t deserted him, but the dialogue never exists only for its own sake: every moment feels purposeful. The second is how great it looks: from the period design and incredible costumes |||||||||||||||||||| Foxx gets a dandyish blue velvet number that could well spark a trend – to some gorgeous photography, particularly of human faces, this might be the director’s best looking movie.
There are problems: like every Tarantino film since the unexpectedly soulful ‘Jackie Brown’, ‘Django Unchained’ feels a little ersatz, favouring momentary thrills over_________ lasting emotional punch. The romance between Django and Broomhilda is talked about in epic terms, but we never really feel their connection, while the brutal dispatch of a couple of key characters late in the day is done with cold efficiency, when they deserved more.
cast of django unchained

_____But this is a film bursting with____________ pleasures great and small: the note-perfect performances (a director cameo aside, but that’s to be expected), a brace of close-to-the-bone, borderline offensive moments (Samuel L Jackson’s character will make a few jaws drop), the ____________soaring cine-literate soundtrack, the sheer, relentless drive. So welcome back, Quentin. All may not be forgiven just yet, but keep this up and even ‘Death Proof’ may vanish in the rearview.

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